Made of stardust

2020/10/08 at 11:06 am

What we all need is a little bit of stardust to spark the fire within and propel us to our dream.

What ignites you, gets you moving, delights you until your eyes twinkle?

What song sings in the depths of your soul waiting to be liberated in a burst of creativity?

Every time I feel life waning, I am awakened to the love of words, playing like children in my heart. I am reminded that I am a messenger on a quest. I pick up the pen like a fiddle recalling the familiar tune of a distant lullaby. The sounds and strokes create meaning like magic, reminding us of who we are once again.

We are all made of stardust, and to the stars one day we shall return. In the meantime we have life, with all its splendor and pain. We are all vulnerable, and we are all amazing.

Sometimes what it takes to get it going is reaching out to connect. Sometimes what it takes is a moment of silence.

Sometimes it is looking across to the dancing leaves in the distance. Sometimes we need to wait. I am with you in those treacherous moments. I come with faith – and just a little bit of stardust to share.

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