
This website is for you. It is my way of welcoming you, of saying hello, and of sharing my insights and stories.

Let me introduce myself. I am Citra – that is what I am called. The name “Citraningtyas” means image in the heart – of the man and woman who gave me my name. It is an image of love that brought me to life.

In these pages I write about life, about humanity, through my experiences, insights, wonderment and struggles.

I write to share my vision of humanity, where each person can be the best of themselves. The more each of us can be who we are meant to be, the more we can share our gifts with others.

Where can I learn about life to write about? My love of life brought me to become a doctor. Where else can I be with people in the most important moments of their lives from birth to death?

My love of the human being made me a psychiatrist. What does it mean to be human? It is our soul, the mind, how we feel and think, what we do. Our psyche. Our being.

In my being, I delight to be in a learning environment with others who also seek to learn and grow,  at university and beyond.

This love for human growth brought me to Personnalité et Relations Humaines (PRH), which has helped me and continues to help me grow. As a PRH educator, I hope to help others grow too.

So who are you, what do you do, what makes you feel most passionate and alive? What brought you to this website? Were you meant to arrive on this page, to connect with this vision and mission for humanity?